Love Letters: Court Collecting Cards for Senior Citizens

Summit County Probate Court hopes to collect at least 1,000 cards for elderly residents in extended care facilities.

Summit County Probate Court hopes to collect at least 1,000 cards for elderly residents in extended care facilities.
As millions of Ohioans deal with the struggles of isolation, one court is creating a connection with arguably the most solitary group of people: senior citizens.
Summit County Probate Court is collecting and delivering cards to local residents in nursing homes and assisted living centers. The goal is to gather at least 1,000 cards to distribute to people in extended care facilities, and other individuals with limited mobility, such as Meals on Wheels recipients. One day into the initiative, the court received dozens of responses, including 50 cards from one woman.
“It is a difficult time for all of us, but especially terrible for those who may be confined to just one room,” said Judge Elinore Marsh Stormer. "With so many of us restless at home, please take a few minutes to make something fun, and cheer up someone who is lonely."
The cards can express any sentiments of love, friendship, or “thinking of you,” with creativity and large print encouraged.
“Anyone can help by turning crayons and paper into a lifeline of joy,” said Lisa Mansfield, the probate court’s community outreach specialist.
The court is also accepting virtual cards, which it will print, then give away. Cards will be handed out through June 1.
Physical cards, which should not include loose items such as glitter or confetti, can be mailed to:
Summit County Probate Court
Cards for Seniors
c/o Community Outreach
209 S High St
Akron, OH 44308
Virtual cards, which can be a photo of a homemade card, or created online, can be emailed to the court.