Judge Delaney Joins Oral Argument

Fifth District Court of Appeals Judge Patricia Delaney

Fifth District Court of Appeals Judge Patricia Delaney
Fifth District Court of Appeals Judge Patricia Delaney served as a visiting judge today on the Ohio Supreme Court, hearing oral argument in a case involving whether Ohio’s lawsuit regarding Volkswagen AG’s updates to vehicle emissions control software is preempted by the federal Clean Air Act.
Judge Delaney sat in for Justice Jennifer Brunner, who recused herself from State of Ohio ex rel. Ohio Attorney General v. Volkswagen AG et al., Case No. 2020-0092.
According to the Ohio Constitution, in the event of a recusal by a justice, the chief justice can select any of the 69 Ohio appellate court judges to sit temporarily on the Supreme Court.
“It’s always thrilling to sit on the Ohio Supreme Court,” Judge Delaney said. “Sitting on the Supreme Court gives appellate judges like me the opportunity to conduct a different type of appellate review.”
“The cases before the Supreme Court often times involve a singular issue of law that can impact all Ohioans, not just the parties to the case or those who live within an appellate district. I appreciate the chief justice inviting me to join the Court today.”
Judge Delaney began her term on the appeals court Feb. 11, 2007, after her election in 2006. She was re-elected in 2012 and 2018.
Before joining the bench, Judge Delaney served as Columbus assistant city attorney for nine years, practicing in complex civil litigation in both state and federal courts. She also served as an assistant attorney general, staff attorney for the Franklin County Common Pleas Court, and in private practice with Vorys, Sater, Seymour and Pease.
Judge Delaney received her bachelor’s and law degrees from the University of Toledo.
The Fifth District serves 15 counties in the central and eastern half of Ohio. It hears cases from county, municipal, and common pleas courts as well as original actions in habeas corpus, mandamus, prohibition, procedendo, and quo warranto.