Court News Ohio
Court News Ohio
Court News Ohio

Supreme Court Professionalism Commission Leadership Conducts First Meeting

The new chair and vice chair of the Ohio Supreme Court Commission on Professionalism led their first meeting today.

Akron attorney and former Akron Bar Association president Michael L. Robinson, who works in private practice, serves as chair of the commission this year while Mary L. Cibella, Of Counsel with McGinty Hilow & Spellacy Co., LPA in Cleveland, serves as vice chair.

The commission promotes professionalism among attorneys admitted to practice law in Ohio and aspires to advance the highest standards of integrity and honor among members of the legal profession.

In addition to the new leadership, three new commission members attended their first meeting today: Franklin County Common Pleas Court Magistrate Mark Petrucci, Columbus attorney Tracie N. Ransom, a partner in Porter Wright Morris & Arthur’s litigation department, and Toledo litigation attorney Sarah K. Skow with Cooper & Kowalski, LPA.

The Supreme Court also recently reappointed two commission members: Lake County Common Pleas Court Judge Richard L. Collins Jr. and Muskingum County Domestic Relations Court Judge Jeffrey A. Hooper.

The commission’s membership (two current vacancies) consists of five judges, six lawyers, two law school administrators or faculty, and two persons not admitted to practice law in any state. Commissioners are appointed for three-year terms and may not serve more than two consecutive full terms.

Commissions are created by action of the Supreme Court. They exercise quasi-ministerial authority on behalf of the court and operate under rules or regulations adopted by the Supreme Court. Commission members serve by appointment of the chief justice and justices or a bar association.

To read more about the work of the Commission on Professionalism, visit