Public Comment Requested for Government Conflict Resolution Services Guidelines
The Ohio Supreme Court is requesting public comment on a proposal that would outline the duties of the Government Conflict Resolution Services (GCRS) Program.
The GCRS program was started in 1991 as the Government Assistance Program. (GAP). In 2012, the Court’s Commission on Dispute Resolution and Dispute Resolution Section began to oversee the program when the legislative funding was no longer available.
The rules proposed would put a framework around the existing and long-standing program that assists government officials in conflict with one another. The amendments to Rule 16.02 of the Rules of Superintendence would outline the creation, services, and authority of the program.
The Court will accept public comments until June 20.
Comments should be submitted in writing or by email to:
Cathy Geyer, Dispute Resolution Section Manager
65 South Front St., Sixth Floor
Columbus, Ohio 43215-3431

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