Tenth District Judge Hears Supreme Court Case

Tenth District Appeals Court Judge Julia L. Dorrian.

Tenth District Appeals Court Judge Julia L. Dorrian.
Tenth District Appeals Court Judge Julia L. Dorrian served as a visiting judge on the Ohio Supreme Court today and heard oral arguments in an Ohio Power Siting Board case.
Judge Dorrian replaced Justice Paul E. Pfeifer,who recused himself from In the Matter of the Application of Black Fork Wind Energy, L.L.C., (Case No. 2012-0900). The case concerns an appeal by landowners opposing the construction of a wind farm in northern Ohio.
According to the Ohio Constitution, in the event of a recusal by a justice the chief justice can select any of the 69 sitting Ohio appellate court judges to sit temporarily on the Supreme Court.
Judge Dorrian took the appeals court bench on January 2, 2011. Previously, she presided for nearly seven years as a Franklin County Municipal Court judge. Her professional experience before that occurred as an attorney with the Bricker & Eckler LLP. Judge Dorrian received her bachelor’s degree from the University of Notre Dame and her master’s and law degrees from the Ohio State University. She was admitted to the practice of law in Ohio on May 12, 1997.
“The justices of the Supreme Court make decisions that affect the lives of Ohioans in significant ways,” Judge Dorrian said. “They serve a very important role, and I am honored to be asked to serve with them on this case.”
The 10th District Court of Appeals serves Franklin County and hears cases from county, municipal, and common pleas courts. In addition, the court hears original actions in habeas corpus, mandamus, prohibition, procedendo, and quo warranto. The court also hears appeals from the Ohio Court of Claims.