Requirements for Judicial Candidates in 2014
Those seeking terms on Ohio’s courts next year may find guidance about deadlines and requirements through the Ohio Secretary of State’s 2014 Ohio Candidate Requirement Guide.
With 2014 being an even-numbered year, there will be elections for the Ohio Supreme Court, appeals courts, common pleas courts, and county courts. According to the secretary of state’s guide, judicial candidates who are running in a party’s primary election must file their candidacy by 4 p.m. on February 5, 2014. Independent candidates have until 4 p.m. on May 5, 2014.
All judges in Ohio are elected to six-year terms. State law requires judicial candidates to be admitted to practice as an attorney in Ohio and have been practicing law for at least six years before the term in office begins. Candidates for Ohio Supreme Court, court of appeals, and common pleas court judge may include service on the bench as part of that six-year legal experience. The secretary of state’s guide includes detailed information about judicial candidate requirements and petition forms.
Rule 4.2(A)(4) of the Code of Judicial Conduct requires all judicial candidates, including incumbent judges, who are seeking election to attend a campaign practices seminar. The Ohio Supreme Court Board of Commissioners on Grievances and Discipline has judicial candidate seminars scheduled in 2014 at various locations around the state.

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