Governor Appoints VanSickle to Wayne County Municipal Court

Timothy R. VanSickle.

Timothy R. VanSickle.
Gov. John R. Kasich today appointed Timothy R. VanSickle of Orrville to the Wayne County Municipal Court.
VanSickle will assume office on April 10, and must run in the November 2013 general election to retain the seat for the unexpired term, which ends December 31, 2015. VanSickle replaces retired Judge Mark Clark.
VanSickle received his bachelor’s degree from the University of Akron, and earned his law degree from the University of Akron School of Law. Since July 2012, he has served as Wayne County Juvenile Court magistrate.
VanSickle serves as vice president of the Wayne County Board of Health, and as a member, elder and Sunday school teacher at Orrville Christian Church. VanSickle is also a past member of the Orrville/Dalton YMCA Board of Directors and the Orrville Rotary Club.