Governor appoints Werren to Stark Common Pleas Court

J. Curtis Werren.

J. Curtis Werren.
Canton attorney and Stark County Red Cross Executive Director J. Curtis Werren will become a judge on the Stark County Common Pleas Court on July 8 after his appointment today by Gov. John R. Kasich.
Werren, who replaces retired Judge Lee Sinclair, must run in the November 2014 general election to retain the seat for the remainder of the unexpired term that ends January 1, 2017.
Werren received his bachelor’s degree from Grove City College in 1989 and earned his law degree from The Ohio State University in 1992. Since 2010, he has served with the American Red Cross – Stark County Chapter.
Werren has been involved in the Stark County Rotary Club, the Stark County Safety Council Steering Committee and the Stark County Mental Health and Recovery Services Board. He was also a partner at the Day, Ketterer, Ltd., Attorneys at Law from 1992 to 2010.