Judges Named to Ohio State Bar Board
By Stephanie Beougher | July 6, 3015

(Pictured clockwise: Judge Howard Harcha, Judge Glenn Derryberry, Judge Linda Tucci Teodosio, and Judge James Stevenson)

(Pictured clockwise: Judge Howard Harcha, Judge Glenn Derryberry, Judge Linda Tucci Teodosio, and Judge James Stevenson)
Four judges are among the newest members of the Ohio State Bar Association (OSBA) Board of Governors. Each was elected by OSBA members in the districts he or she will represent for the next three years.
- Scioto County Common Pleas Court Judge Howard H. Harcha III will serve as the representative for District 8 that covers Adams, Brown, Gallia, Highland, Jackson, Lawrence, Pickaway, Pike, Ross, Scioto, and Vinton counties.
- Allen County Probate and Juvenile Court Judge Glenn H. Derryberry is the representative for District 16, which includes Allen, Auglaize, Hardin, and Mercer counties.
- Shelby County Common Pleas Court Judge James F. Stevenson will represent the more than 1,200 attorneys in District 2 that covers Darke, Miami, Montgomery, Preble, and Shelby counties. Judge Stevenson will also serve on the board’s Membership, Public and Media Relations and Publications Committee.
- Summit County Juvenile Court Judge Linda Tucci Teodosio is the new representative for District 11 that includes Portage and Summit counties.
The 21-member board manages the OSBA’s business affairs, sets policy, reviews pending legislation, and conducts other business on behalf of its 22,000 members.