Voter Resource Highlights Judicial Candidates

Twenty-six judicial races are contested in Ohio’s primary election.

Twenty-six judicial races are contested in Ohio’s primary election.
Ohio voters are reminded that Judicial Votes Count, the state’s only nonpartisan, statewide judicial election resource, is available to learn more about judge candidates before casting their ballots in the primary election.
There are 26 contested judicial races on the March 17 ballots for 22 county common pleas seats and four district court of appeals seats.
Overall, Ohioans will elect 210 judges in 2020, including two seats on the Ohio Supreme Court. More than 100 judicial candidates already have submitted their information and their profiles are posted to the website.
Judicial Votes Count – at – presents profiles of judicial candidates, including their judicial experience and why they are running for judge. Other resources on the website include videos about the different types of courts in Ohio and an explanation of why judges play an important role in their communities. (Users with some Web browsers may need to use the following address to access the site:
Judicial Votes Count is a nonpartisan partnership launched in 2015, to better educate Ohioans about judges and the Ohio court system.