First District Judge Hears Supreme Court Case

First District Court of Appeals Judge Pierre H. Bergeron

First District Court of Appeals Judge Pierre H. Bergeron
First District Court of Appeals Judge Pierre H. Bergeron served as a visiting judge on the Ohio Supreme Court today and heard oral arguments in a case to decide the correct classification for out-of-state sex offenders.
Judge Bergeron sat in for Justice Judith L. French, who recused herself from Harmon Lingle and Mark Grosser v. State of Ohio et al., Case Nos. 2019-1247 and 2019-1309.
It was Judge Bergeron’s first time serving as a visiting judge.
"I’ve enjoyed getting to know several of the Supreme Court justices, and it was truly an honor to sit with them today,” Judge Bergeron said. “The Supreme Court of Ohio is one of the leaders nationwide in its use of technology, and our Zoom oral argument went flawlessly. I appreciate Chief Justice O’Connor's appointment of me for this case.”
Judge Bergeron was elected to the First District in November 2018. Previously, he was in private practice for more than 18 years. Judge Bergeron also works as an adjunct professor at the University of Cincinnati School of Law.
Judge Bergeron received his bachelor’s degree from Centre College in Danville, Kentucky, and his law degree from the University of Virginia School of Law.
The First District serves Hamilton County, and hears cases from county, municipal, and common pleas courts, as well as original actions in habeas corpus, mandamus, prohibition, procedendo, and quo warranto.