Ninth District Judge Hears Oral Argument

Ninth District Court of Appeals Judge Lynne S. Callahan

Ninth District Court of Appeals Judge Lynne S. Callahan
Ninth District Court of Appeals Judge Lynne S. Callahan sat in for oral arguments today and heard a case involving whether a juror’s letter of remorse should lead to a new trial.
Judge Callahan sat in for Justice Michael P. Donnelly, who recused himself from Madora Jones, administrator of the Estate of ReDon Jones v. The Cleveland Clinic Foundation et al., Case No. 2019-0390. She watched the oral arguments on the Ohio Channel.
“While it’s a privilege to sit on the bench at any level, the opportunity to sit on the Supreme Court and work with the justices really brings home the magnitude of the cases being heard there,” Judge Callahan said. “It’s a humbling, exciting experience.”
Since 2017, Judge Callahan has served on the Ninth District. Previously, she served on the Summit County Common Pleas Court and Akron Municipal Court.
She earned her law degree from the University of Akron. After law school, she chose a unique career path and joined the Akron Police Department, then the Summit County’s Prosecutor’s Office.
The Ninth District serves four counties in northern Ohio. It hears cases from county, municipal, and common pleas courts as well as original actions in habeas corpus, mandamus, prohibition, procedendo, and quo warranto.