Two Common Pleas Court Vacancies Filled

Matthew P. Frericks (left) will join the Marion County Common Pleas Court and Napoleon Municipal Court Judge Amy Rosebrook will join the Henry County Court of Common Pleas.

Matthew P. Frericks (left) will join the Marion County Common Pleas Court and Napoleon Municipal Court Judge Amy Rosebrook will join the Henry County Court of Common Pleas.
Two new judges were appointed to vacant common pleas court judgeships in Marion and Henry counties today.
Matthew P. Frericks, a magistrate in the Marion Municipal Court, was appointed by Gov. Mike DeWine to serve on the bench of the Marion County Court of Common Pleas General Division. He will take office Dec. 6 and replaces former Judge Jason Warner.
Judge-designate Frericks must win in the November 2022 general election to retain the seat for the remainder of the unexpired term ending Jan. 1, 2025.
In addition to his magistrate position with the municipal court, he served as court administrator and acting judge. He also served on the Marion County Prosecutor's Office staff and worked in private practice for his family's law firm, Frericks and Howard LPA.
Judge-designate Frericks received his law degree and undergraduate degree from the University of Dayton.
Gov. DeWine also appointed Napoleon Municipal Court Judge Amy C. Rosebrook to a seat on the Henry County Court of Common Pleas General and Probate Division. She, too, will take office Dec. 6 and must win in the November 2022 general election to retain the seat for the remainder of the unexpired term ending May 8, 2023.
She replaces Judge John Collier, who retired in September.
Judge Rosebrook has served as the Napoleon Municipal Court judge since July 2011. She previously was an assistant prosecuting attorney.
While in private practice, she was a partner at Hanna, Fisher, and Rosebrook and an associate attorney at Hoeffel, Funkhouser, Hanna, and Fisher.
She received her law degree from the University of Toledo College of Law and undergraduate degree from Ohio University.