Municipal Judge Appointed to Appeals Court

Judge Dickey will begin at the Seventh District on April 10.

Judge Dickey will begin at the Seventh District on April 10.
Judge Katelyn Dickey of the Columbiana County Municipal Court was appointed today to serve as judge for the Seventh District Court of Appeals.
Judge Dickey will begin at the Seventh District on April 10. She will fill the seat formerly held by Judge David D’Apolito, who resigned at the beginning of the year. To retain the seat on the Seventh District, Judge Dickey must win the election in November 2024.
The judge has spent most of her law career working in Columbiana County where she has served as a common pleas court staff attorney, a common pleas court magistrate, and an assistant county prosecutor. After graduating from law school, she taught business law at the Salem Campus of Kent State University.
Judge Dickey earned her law degree from the University of Akron and a bachelor’s degree from Gannon University in Erie, Pennsylvania.