Court of Claims Approves Highway Patrol Assault Settlement for $110,000

A Vermont driver settled an assault and battery case with the Ohio State Highway Patrol for $110,000 after an incident in Allen County in 2005.

A Vermont driver settled an assault and battery case with the Ohio State Highway Patrol for $110,000 after an incident in Allen County in 2005.
Eugene Wrinn Jr. v. Ohio State Highway Patrol, Case No. 2006-05934
A Vermont man settled his case for $110,000 with the Ohio State Highway Patrol for “excessive and unjustified” force after a head-on crash in 2005 left him disoriented. The Court of Claims of Ohio approved the settlement on August 8.
According to the September 13, 2006 complaint, Eugene Wrinn Jr. lost control of his vehicle in the rain on September 16, 2005. Wrinn’s vehicle stalled after it came to rest facing southbound in the northbound lanes of Interstate 75 in Allen County. He couldn’t restart it to avoid being hit by a tractor-trailer that was northbound.
Wrinn suffered a head injury and lost consciousness. Sgt. Daren L. Johnson responded to the scene. As Johnson approached the vehicle, Wrinn started to regain consciousness and attempted to exit the vehicle. Due to his head injury, according to the complaint, Wrinn was disoriented and unable to comprehend instructions to stay in the vehicle.
“Although Wrinn attempted to walk away from Sergeant Johnson, Wrinn did not act in a menacing or threatening manner toward Sergeant Johnson or anyone at the scene of the crash,” according to the complaint.
Johnson grabbed Wrinn to try to prevent him from walking away. Wrinn pulled away and a struggle ensued. Johnson struck Wrinn in the back of the head with a flashlight, used his Taser on Wrinn’s back, and kicked Wrinn’s legs. Trooper G.K. Manley also struck Wrinn with a flashlight. In addition, a Lima Police Department officer delivered 12 knee strikes to Wrinn’s abdomen and chest.
“As a result of this incident,” the complaint states, “Wrinn was hospitalized for approximately five days and received other medical treatment. He was treated for several injuries including the trauma to his head. Numerous staples were required to close the large lacerations on his head. Wrinn’s injuries also included several cuts and bruises on his wrists from the handcuffs. Wrinn incurred medical expenses in excess of $30,000.”
The complaint notes that Wrinn was cited for failure to control, but did not face criminal charges related to the incident.
In addition, the complaint calls the actions of Johnson and Manley “assault and battery” and that the pair “had a duty to protect Wrinn from harm while he was in their custody.”
The Court of Claims is given original jurisdiction to hear and determine all civil actions filed against the State of Ohio and its agencies.
To access information on other cases visit the Court of Claims website.
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