Court Administrators Celebrate 40th Anniversary, New Officers Sworn In
Elizabeth W. Stephenson, newly elected president of the Ohio Association for Court Administration.
Elizabeth W. Stephenson, newly elected president of the Ohio Association for Court Administration.
Forty years after the founding of the Ohio Association for Court Administration (OACA), court professionals from around the state gathered last week for their annual three-day fall conference.
Association members brushed up on their professional development by attending Ohio Supreme Court Judicial College sessions on Oct. 17 devoted to court integrity, ethics, and customer service.
OACA hosted a session on Oct. 18 on the relationship between the news media and the courts.
In addition, Supreme Court Administrative Director Steven C. Hollon presented an Ohio courts update, Supreme Court Government Relations Counsel Jo Ellen Cline provided a legislative update, and Supreme Court Judicial Services Division Director W. Milt Nuzum III explained the court and judicial services available from the Supreme Court.
The association also elected and swore in new officers for 2014. Hollon administered the oath to the officers, who include:
- President – Elizabeth W. Stephenson, court administrator, Tuscarawas County Common Pleas Court, General Division
- President Elect – Timothy P. Lubbe, court administrator, Lorain County Common Pleas Court
- Treasurer – Lori Henry, court administrator, Medina Municipal Court
- Secretary – Michael J. Negray, deputy court administrator, Cleveland Municipal Court
- Past President – Michael E. Kochera, court administrator, Canton Municipal Court
OACA’s meeting occurred during the “SuperMeeting” where every three years several court personnel associations hold their fall conferences during the same week and participate in a Judicial College course. This year, both OACA and the Ohio Association for Municipal and County Court Clerks (OAMCCC) held their conferences during the SuperMeeting. More than 300 court personnel attended the SuperMeeting course on Thursday. The group included OACA and OAMCCC members and others employed by local courts.