Experts Examine “Protection vs. Privacy”

Erin Moriarty, correspondent for CBS’s 48 Hours, was a featured speaker at the Toledo Bar Association Kiroff Bench Bar Seminar.

Erin Moriarty, correspondent for CBS’s 48 Hours, was a featured speaker at the Toledo Bar Association Kiroff Bench Bar Seminar.
The issues of privacy, surveillance, and the First Amendment were examined at the Kiroff Bench Bar Seminar sponsored by the Toledo Bar Association on Friday, October 11. The seminar titled Protection vs. Privacy, included national speakers such as CBS’s 48 Hours correspondent Erin Moriarty.
The 120 in attendance also heard a discussion by Georgetown University Law Center Professor David D. Cole about the difficulties of protecting privacy in an era of social media; Judge James G. Carr of the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Ohio on the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act Court, a special court of seven federal district court judges established by Congress to review applications for warrants related to national security investigations; and Toledo attorney Fritz Byers who rounded out the day’s discussion of First Amendment and privacy issues.
The Kiroff Bench Bar Conference is presented annually by the Bench Bar Committee of the Toledo Bar Association. The event is named in honor of Judge George N. Kiroff for the purpose of promoting dialogue within the legal profession. It is the Toledo Bar Association’s premiere event for fostering collegiality between the bench and bar.
The Toledo Bar Association, a voluntary professional association of 1500 attorneys, is observing its 136th year of service to attorneys practicing in Northwest Ohio, including continuing legal education and a pro bono legal services program.