Supreme Court Seeks Public Comment on New Parenting Coordination Rules
The Ohio Supreme Court will accept public comment until September 4 on proposed new rules governing local courts’ use of parenting coordination.
The proposed Rules of Superintendence for the Courts of Ohio would apply to those courts that wish to use parenting coordination, a child-focused alternative dispute resolution process that can be ordered by a court in which a parenting coordinator assists families in implementing parental rights and responsibilities or companionship time orders.
The proposed rules set forth definitions, the role and qualifications of a parenting coordinator, and the responsibilities of the court to adopt local rules governing the use of parenting coordination, confidentiality, privilege, and public access. The proposed rules also include factors necessary for ordering parenting coordination; required conditions when domestic abuse or domestic violence is alleged, suspected, or present; and inappropriate uses of parenting coordination.
Jacqueline Hagerott, manager of the Dispute Resolution Section at the Supreme Court, said local courts are already using parenting coordination to resolve disputes. The commission’s aim in proposing the rules is to ensure courts use qualified individuals, assist courts in creating high-quality programs, and promote consistency among the different programs throughout Ohio.
For complete language of the proposed rules, click here. Comments on the proposed rules should be submitted in writing to Hagerott at the Supreme Court, 65 South Front Street, Sixth Floor, Columbus, OH 43215, or
To access the complete text of the administrative action announcing these proposed rules, click here.
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