National Family Courts Group Recognizes Ohio Leaders

From left: Fulton and Henry County Common Pleas Court Magistrate Dick Altman and Legal Aid of Western Ohio attorney Pamela Hayman-Weaner.

From left: Fulton and Henry County Common Pleas Court Magistrate Dick Altman and Legal Aid of Western Ohio attorney Pamela Hayman-Weaner.
The Association of Family and Conciliation Courts (AFCC) 51st annual conference in Toronto last week included several Ohio ties.
Fulton and Henry County Common Pleas Courts Magistrate Dick Altman began his one-year term as president of the AFCC Board of Directors, and Pamela Hayman-Weaner, a Legal Aid of Western Ohio attorney for 23 years, accepted an award on behalf of the organization.
AFCC is an interdisciplinary and international association of professionals dedicated to the resolution of family conflict. AFCC has more than 4,900 members and 22 chapters throughout the U.S., Canada, and in nearly 30 other countries.
Altman is a member of the Supreme Court of Ohio Commission on Dispute Resolution. He is a faculty member for the Supreme Court and assists with statewide rule and curriculum development. He has worked as an attorney and mediator in the areas of civil law, domestic relations, and parenting issues. Altman is a member of the American, Ohio State, and several local bar associations.
Hayman-Weaner also serves as regional coordinator for the Family Justice Center of Northwest Ohio. She received her law degree from the University of Michigan Law School and her master’s degree from Western Michigan University. She has conducted legal advocacy on behalf of survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault since 1991 in the areas of family law, immigration, and protection orders.
Ohio’s AFCC ties do not end with Altman and Hayman-Weaner. Supreme Court Dispute Resolution Section Manager Jacqueline C. Hagerott serves as an AFCC board member. In addition, Henry County Family Court Judge Denise McColley served previously as president of the AFCC board.