Public Comment Needed for Proposed CLE Rule Change
The Ohio Supreme Court seeks public comment on a proposal to allow self-study sponsors to submit applications for accreditation of continuing legal education courses after the availability of the activity.
The justices last month approved the publication of the amendments to sections of Gov.Bar R. X, Continuing Legal Education. The proposal will now go through a 30-day public comment period.
The Commission on Continuing Legal Education recommended to the justices to extend the deadline for self-study activities up to 30 days following the date of initial availability. Self-study sponsors are currently required to submit their accreditation applications before the availability.
Attorney Services Division Director Susan Christoff said extending the deadline would allow more sponsors to request accreditation from the commission and provide more options for Ohio attorneys, while still maintaining the commission’s oversight of their programs.
The 30-day public comment period ends on January 21, 2015. Comments should be submitted in writing to:
Susan Christoff, director, Attorney Services
Ohio Supreme Court
65 S. Front St., Fifth Floor
Columbus, OH 43215

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