Ohio Supreme Court Redesigns Online Case Search

New Ohio Supreme Court Online Case Search Includes Mobile-Friendly Design.

New Ohio Supreme Court Online Case Search Includes Mobile-Friendly Design.
The Ohio Supreme Court’s online case management system, with more than 73,000 cases dating back to 1985 and one of the most-visited areas on the Court’s website, has undergone a redesign.
“The online docket has been available since the fall of 2005. This is a major update to add new features to make it easier to search cases and provide mobile-friendly access for any type of device you’re using to view the pages,” Clerk of the Court Sandra H. Grosko said.
The main page features expanded search capabilities and a new “Recent Filings” tab that lists all case filings made to Supreme Court cases in the last five days.
Each case page will now include:
- Tabs that list the parties involved in the case and decisions in chronological order
- Link to register for case activity notification
- Link to the oral argument video, if available
- Printable view.
This is just one of the many recent upgrades to the Supreme Court’s website. Other enhancements include the addition of an e-Filing portal for case documents, new search features on the Opinions & Announcements page, and a redesigned attorney services portal.