Technology Grant Funds for Ohio Courts

The Ohio Supreme Court is accepting applications for projects such as court security and cameras in the courtroom.

The Ohio Supreme Court is accepting applications for projects such as court security and cameras in the courtroom.
Grant funds are now available to support local court technology projects that aid in removing barriers to efficient and effective administration of justice.
The Ohio Supreme Court announced the funds are offered through the Ohio Courts Technology Initiative, and any court of appeals, common pleas court, municipal court, or county court is eligible to apply.
Technology grant funds may be awarded to courts for the following projects:
- Connection to Ohio Courts Network
- Electronic transfer of final disposition data to the Computerized Criminal History database
- Minor upgrade to an existing case management system
- Upgrade to network infrastructure
- Additional or replacement software or hardware
- Upgrade to or purchase of technology equipment
- Purchase and installation of new or additional self-service kiosks for jurors, litigants, or probationers.
Specific examples include security checkpoint screening equipment, cameras in the courtroom, and electronic case document filing.
Review of applications and selection will begin March 1, 2015, with applications accepted and reviewed on an ongoing basis through the end of the business day on May 15, 2015.
Details about the grants, including instructions on how to apply, are available online. Questions can be sent to Colleen Rosshirt, Case Management Counsel, at