Board Increases Dispositions and Reduces Pending Disciplinary Cases in 2015
The Board of Professional Conduct released its 2015 annual report today and noted a nearly 20 percent decrease in active pending disciplinary cases against Ohio lawyers and judges.
There were 59 pending active cases at the end of the year, a 19.2 percent decrease from 2014. The board also noted a decrease in the number of new and reopened filings; 85 in 2015, down from 109 in 2014.
The three-commissioner hearing panels conducted 48 hearings throughout the year, certified 61 reports to the Supreme Court with recommendations for sanctions, and disposed of 102 cases, a 21.4 percent increase in dispositions from 2014.
Other annual report highlights include:
- Issuing two formal advisory opinions, including an opinion on judicial performance of same-sex marriages that was featured in national judicial ethics publications
- Responding to approximately 2,000 requests for advice from lawyers, judges, and judicial candidates
- Board staff presenting at 26 professional education offerings
- Conducting a hearing at an Ohio law school for the first time since 2012.
“The volunteer commissioners fairly and promptly resolved disciplinary cases and provided detailed reports and recommendations to the Supreme Court,” Board Director Richard A. Dove said. “By making themselves available to respond to inquiries and participating in education seminars, the board’s staff promotes a greater understanding of and compliance with the ethical standards applicable to Ohio’s judges and lawyers.”
The board is comprised of 28 volunteer commissioners appointed by the Supreme Court. The commissioners include judges, lawyers, and members of the public.

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