1,072 Seek to Take July Bar Exam
More than 1,000 aspiring attorneys have applied to take the July 2016 Ohio Bar Examination, the Ohio Supreme Court announced.
The bar exam will be administered July 26-28 at the Roberts Centre in Wilmington. April 1 was the deadline for filing applications to take the second bar exam in 2016. Of the two annual bar exams, more attorney hopefuls take the July exam than the exam in February.
Of this year’s July applicants, 930 Ohioans from 70 counties applied; with Franklin County leading the way with 222 applicants. As for out-of-state applicants, 142 have applied from 26 states, the District of Columbia, Canada, and France.
The bar exam is administered by the Supreme Court, which regulates the practice of law in Ohio, including the admission of new attorneys, the biennial registration of current attorneys, attorney discipline in cases of misconduct, and the administration of continuing legal education.
By rule, the Supreme Court publishes twice a year a list of the names, cities, counties, states, or countries of residence of those persons who have applied for admission to the practice of law in Ohio in the Ohio Official Reports Advance Sheets and online. The Supreme Court also distributes copies of the list to all regional and local bar association admissions committees.
View a complete list of the July 2016 bar exam applicants.

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