Court News Ohio
Court News Ohio
Court News Ohio

Public Comment Requested for Proposed Change to Non-Judicial “Candidate” Definition

The Ohio Supreme Court is requesting public comment on a proposal that would create a definition of “candidate” for non-judicial elective office in Ohio.  The proposed change seeks to clarify when a judge seeking a non-judicial office must resign from the bench.

The proposed change would add one section and amend another under Rule 4.6 of the Ohio Code of Judicial Conduct, which provides definitions for the terms used in the rules.

The Court will accept public comments until April 25.

The Court’s proposed new section reads:

“‘Candidate’ means a person who has made a public announcement of candidacy for non-judicial elective office and has taken or engaged in any public action in furtherance of that candidacy, declared or filed as a candidate for non-judicial elective office with the election authority, or authorized the solicitation or receipt of contributions or support for non-judicial elective office, whichever occurred first.”

The proposal would also amend the existing definition of the term “judicial candidate”, adding to the definition the requirement that the person “has taken or engaged in any public action in furthers of that candidacy.”

Comments should be submitted in writing or by e-mail to:

John VanNorman, Senior Policy and Research Counsel
65 South Front St., Seventh Floor
Columbus, Ohio 43215

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