Teachers Experience Ohio Government in Action

Chief Justice Maureen O’Connor talks with civic education teachers as they visit the Ohio Supreme Court. (Photo courtesy: OCLRE)

Chief Justice Maureen O’Connor talks with civic education teachers as they visit the Ohio Supreme Court. (Photo courtesy: OCLRE)
Teachers from around the state visited the Supreme Court this week to hear oral arguments, tour the Thomas J. Moyer Ohio Judicial Center, and get an inside assessment of Ohio’s judiciary and the other two branches of government.
Ohio Government in Action, a program of the Ohio Center for Law-Related Education (OLCRE), provides teachers the opportunity to meet with leaders and learn about Ohio’s judicial, legislative, and executive branches. After oral arguments, the teachers had lunch with the seven justices.
Chief Justice Maureen O’Connor expressed gratitude for the hard work teachers do.
“Day in and day out, you motivate and inspire students to embrace the importance of a free democracy,” Chief Justice O’Connor said. “The mission of teachers has never been as critical as it is today, and probably never as difficult.”
OCLRE is a non-profit, nonpartisan organization whose mission is to improve society by developing citizens empowered with an understanding of our democratic system.
OCLRE is sponsored by the Supreme Court, the Ohio Attorney General’s Office, the Ohio State Bar Association, and the American Civil Liberties Union of Ohio Foundation. OCLRE programs are funded, in part, by a grant from the Ohio State Bar Foundation.
For more information, go to www.oclre.org.