Deadline Extended for Ohio Lawyers to Report Pro Bono Hours

The Ohio Supreme Court extends pro bono survey deadline to April 19.

The Ohio Supreme Court extends pro bono survey deadline to April 19.
The Ohio Supreme Court has extended its deadline for state lawyers to fill out a survey about pro bono work to April 19, 2019. Attorneys who have already filled out the survey don’t need to fill it out again.
The message was delivered in March to more than 44,000 attorneys who are registered in the state. The need for lawyers to offer their assistance is considerable. One in five Ohioans qualify for civil legal aid services.
The Court has partnered with the Ohio Legal Assistance Foundation (OLAF) to create the survey to learn the extent and nature of pro bono work in Ohio. The information is used to identify gaps in the delivery of legal services in order to strengthen the network of legal services available to Ohioans in need.
Regardless of the extent of the pro bono work, all attorneys are encouraged to complete the survey and provide the Court with this valuable information.
For attorneys who are not actively practicing law, the emeritus pro bono status allows the performance of pro bono work in association with a law school clinic, legal aid, public defender’s office, or other recognized legal services organization. To find out more, visit the Supreme Court website.