Conduct Board Announces July Hearings

The Ohio Board of Professional Conduct has set its hearing schedule for July. All hearings take place before a three-member panel of the board and are open to the public.
If a hearing location is not listed, the hearing will be conducted using video teleconferencing software. To obtain a link to observe a video hearing, contact the staff of the board via email at at least one business day prior to the hearing.
Unless otherwise noted, all hearings begin at 10 a.m. Hearings may be continued for good cause at any time. Contact the board at 614.387.9370 to confirm that a hearing will proceed as scheduled. Additional case information, including case documents, can be viewed and downloaded by clicking on the case number below. Check the online docket to confirm that a hearing will proceed as scheduled.
July 6-8
Disciplinary Counsel v. Samuel Ray Smith II
9 a.m. start time
Case No. 2019-015
Respondent’s counsel: Nelson E. Genshaft, Columbus
July 15
Disciplinary Counsel v. Richard Barbera
9 a.m. start time
Case No. 2019-052
Respondent’s counsel: Ian D. Mitchell, Cincinnati
July 16
Lorain County Bar Association v. James Lee Lindon (on remand)
Case No. 2016-038
Respondent’s counsel: None
July 27
Disciplinary Counsel v. Kimberly Anne Valenti
Case No. 2020-010
Respondent’s counsel: Jeffrey N. James, Akron
Hearing location: Thomas J. Moyer Ohio Judicial Center, 65 S. Front Street, Court of Claims, Courtroom 3B, Columbus
July 28-29
Columbus Bar Association v. Natalie Jonnelle Bahan
Case No. 2019-065
Respondent’s counsel: Dennis W. McNamara, Columbus
Hearing location: Moyer Judicial Center, 65 S. Front Street, Court of Claims, Courtroom 3B