Court Seeks Public Comment on Midnight E-Filing

The Court is accepting public comment until Oct. 5 on potential E-filing changes.

The Court is accepting public comment until Oct. 5 on potential E-filing changes.
The Ohio Supreme Court will accept public comment until Oct. 5 on proposed amendments to its Rules of Practice, including moving to a midnight deadline for E-filing.
Under the proposed amendments, the filing deadline for documents submitted through the Court’s E-filing portal will be changed from 5 p.m. Eastern time to midnight.
The proposed amendments also eliminate several provisions under which the clerk’s office must refuse to file a document that doesn’t meet certain filing requirements.
Comments on the proposed amendments should be submitted in writing by Oct. 5 to:
Justin Kudela
Case Management Counsel
Ohio Supreme Court
65 South Front Street, 8th Floor
Columbus, Ohio 43215-3431
Respondents should include their full name and mailing address in any comments submitted by email.

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