Court Employees Gain Recognition at Annual Awards Ceremony

(Left to right): Greg Mathews, master commissioner in the Office of Legal Resources; Jason Monroe, database administrator in the Office of Information Technology; Sara Stiffler, manager in the Civic Education Section of the Public Information Office

(Left to right): Greg Mathews, master commissioner in the Office of Legal Resources; Jason Monroe, database administrator in the Office of Information Technology; Sara Stiffler, manager in the Civic Education Section of the Public Information Office
The Ohio Supreme Court bestowed its highest honors to three employees during a virtual ceremony.
The 16th Annual Employee Recognition event included a presentation of the Professional Excellence Awards to:
- Greg Mathews, master commissioner, Office of Legal Resources
- Jason Monroe, database administrator, Office of Information Technology
- and Sara Stiffler, manager, Civic Education Section of the Public Information Office.
The employees distinguished themselves in any or all of three categories:
- Demonstrating superior achievement in the completion of a special project or assignment
- Consistently displaying professional excellence in the performance of their regularly assigned duties
- Displaying a positive attitude toward one’s work, fellow employees, and the constituencies of the Supreme Court.
An awards committee selected the honorees after reviewing nominations submitted by internal personnel.
The Court also honored 40 employees for five, 10, 15, 20, 25, and 30 years of service.