Conduct Board Files October Disciplinary Recommendations

The Board of Professional Conduct recommends two attorney sanctions and advises against the reinstatement of a suspended lawyer.

The Board of Professional Conduct recommends two attorney sanctions and advises against the reinstatement of a suspended lawyer.
The Ohio Board of Professional Conduct has filed three disciplinary case reports with the Supreme Court of Ohio.
Two reports recommend sanctioning attorneys charged with professional misconduct and another advises against the reinstatement of a suspended lawyer.
The parties will have an opportunity to file objections to the board’s reports and recommendations with the Supreme Court. If a party files objections, the Court will schedule the case for oral argument.
Additional information about each case, including the report and recommendation, may be obtained by clicking on the case number below. Questions regarding cases pending before the Court should be directed to the Court’s Office of Public Information at 614.387.9250.
Cuyahoga County
In re Reinstatement of Brendan Edward Delay, Petitioner; Disciplinary Counsel, Relator
Supreme Court Case No. 2018-1743
Recommendation: Deny reinstatement
Montgomery County
Disciplinary Counsel v. Griff Makini Nowicki
Supreme Court Case No. 2022-1253
Recommended sanction: One year suspension, six months stayed
Seneca County
Disciplinary Counsel v. Joyce Ann Plummer (consent-to-discipline)
Supreme Court Case No. 2022-1254
Recommended sanction: One year suspension, stayed