Court News Ohio
Court News Ohio
Court News Ohio

Court Seeks Public Comment for Death Penalty Representation

An exterior image of the Thomas J. Moyer Judicial Center.

Public comments about proposed amendments to rules regarding defense in death penalty cases are due to the Court by Jan. 12.

An exterior image of the Thomas J. Moyer Judicial Center.

Public comments about amendments to rules regarding defense in death penalty cases are due to the Court by Jan. 12.

The Supreme Court of Ohio is accepting public comments on proposed amendments to the Rules for the Appointment of Counsel in Capital Cases.

Proposed amendments under Appt.Coun.R. 1.04 clarify the rules apply to all stages of death penalty cases, including direct appeals, post-conviction petitions by the state, and any appeals of state post-conviction petitions.

The recommended rule changes to Appt.Coun.R. 3.05-3.06 establishes qualification standards for lawyers seeking appointment as lead or co-counsel in post-conviction capital cases, including any appeals of that petition. Some of the certification criteria include mandatory experience in criminal litigation, appeals, and post-conviction petitions. The amendment also includes continuing legal education requisites specific for capital defense cases.

Public comments should be submitted in writing or via email by Jan. 12 to:
Tammy White
Attorney Services Manager
Supreme Court of Ohio
65 S. Front St., Fifth Floor
Columbus, OH 43215-3431

Please include your full name and mailing address in any comments submitted by e-mail.