Court News Ohio
Court News Ohio
Court News Ohio

Court Accepting Comments on Proposed Form to Inquire About Delays in Court Cases

A new online form is proposed to assist lawyers and parties in cases who are trying to determine the reasons for delays in local court cases. The Supreme Court of Ohio’s “Case Inquiry Request” webform is now open for public comment.

Under the Rules of Superintendence, all Ohio courts follow specified deadlines to ensure timely decisions are made in cases. When decisions on motions or outcomes of trials are delayed, parties in the cases or attorneys often contact the Supreme Court’s Office of Court Services for assistance. These inquiries through the Supreme Court provide a pathway to make confidential inquiries when a local court has not timely responded to a filed motion or decided a case following a bench trial.

To help case participants request assistance, a case inquiry request webform has been developed. The document can be completed online and submitted with the click of a button.

Form Seeks to Enhance Existing Inquiry Process
Under Sup.R. 40, trial judges have 90 days to determine the outcome of a bench trial and 120 days to rule on motions. When decisions aren’t issued by the deadlines, the rule requires judges to report delays to the court’s administrative judge. The administrative judge is then responsible for ensuring that the delay is corrected, unless good cause is shown. If the delay isn’t rectified in 60 days, the administrative judge must report the delay to the case management section of the Supreme Court’s Office of Court Services.

Delays requiring administrative judges to report are rare. However, the office receives complaints from attorneys and litigants about cases and motions that haven’t been decided by the required deadlines. Participants call, email, or send letters to the office when delays occur.

When the Office of Court Services receives such complaints, the case management section staff gathers information and follows up with the judge assigned to the case. Historically, once the issue is brought to the attention of the local court, the matter is resolved.

Comments on Proposed Form Accepted Until Aug. 12
Comments on the proposed form should be submitted in writing no later than Aug. 12, 2022.

Send comments by mail or email to:

Colleen Rosshirt, Manager
Case Management Section
Supreme Court of Ohio
65 South Front Street, 6th Floor
Columbus, Ohio 43215-3431

Email submissions should include your full name and mailing address.

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