Court News Ohio
Court News Ohio
Court News Ohio

Civil Legal Aid Grant Applications Open

Image of two women sitting next to each other at a table with paperwork in front of them

The Civil Justice Fund has awarded nearly $1.6 million to legal aid efforts since the program began in 2017.

Image of two women sitting next to each other at a table with paperwork in front of them

The Civil Justice Fund has awarded nearly $1.6 million to legal aid efforts since the program began in 2017.

The Supreme Court of Ohio is now accepting applications to increase access to justice for low-income Ohioans.

The Civil Justice Program Fund provides grants for legal assistance in civil matters, such as housing and healthcare. The fund supports the services provided by Ohio’s legal aid groups to supply additional staff and resources.

Programs with a “strong statewide impact” can receive up to $100,000. Those with regional impact, defined as serving five or more counties may receive $75,000; $50,000 for projects with an impact on two or more counties; and $25,000 for projects with countywide or citywide impact. These funds have been used to help establish self-help centers in courts, consumer debt defense programs, and legal assistance for kinship caregivers.

The Civil Justice Program was created in 2017. It was the idea of a 2015 Supreme Court task force, created to address a steep decline in resources for civil legal assistance from 2007 to 2015 and the closure of legal aid offices and staffing cuts across Ohio.

Through Court rule changes, a portion of out-of-state attorney appearances – pro hac vice – registration fees contribute to the fund. And any attorneys can make a voluntary $50 contribution during their registration period

Closing of courts early in the pandemic has hindered legal aid funding. Some groups are funded largely from court filing fees, Interest on Lawyer’s Trust Accounts (IOLTA) and Interest on Trust Accounts. According to the Ohio Access to Justice Foundation, income from these sources is down 35% during COVID.

Applications for the biennial grant must be submitted by Feb. 23 with awards expected to be announced in May. Applicants must be a non-profit organization or a public entity whose purpose is to provide direct services or access to civil legal services.

For those interested in applying, the Court will host two informational webinars on Jan. 26 at 10:30 a.m. and Jan. 28 at 1:30 p.m. Registration is not required.

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