Mediation and Dispute Resolution at Your Fingertips

A Supreme Court podcast expands the skills of mediators and details the many ways that dispute resolution can be used.

A Supreme Court podcast expands the skills of mediators and details the many ways that dispute resolution can be used.
With a growing number of ways to learn in the digital age, the Supreme Court of Ohio is pairing education with convenience so people can learn about dispute resolution while they’re in the car, on a walk, or any other downtime.
The Supreme Court’s Dispute Resolution Section recently released a podcast series that delves into a variety of topics to build conflict resolution skills. The audio series – titled “Civility and Solutions” – analyzes the various matters that can be mediated and how to enhance skills for those involved in the process, such as mediators and attorneys. All 18 episodes can be found exclusively on YouTube. Listen from your phone whenever it is good for you.
“I think the most surprising thing about recording this series was discovering the spectrum of situations in which dispute resolution can be used,” said host Kate Munger, who’s also policy counsel for the Court’s Case Management Section.
Presenters share their expertise on everything from using mediation to strengthen school-family relationships to elder-care concerns. Find out how helpful mediation can be in cases involving public officials, truant students, appellate actions, and highly complex corporate disputes.
It’s education that is accessible anywhere, on demand.
“A podcast was a novel platform for the Court, but I think it works well for sharing information in an engaging way,” said Munger. “I tried to keep the interviews upbeat and fun. It is a conversation instead of a lecture.”
List of Episodes- Episode 1: School Attendance: Using Mediation to Strengthen School-Family Relationships
Episode 2: Tailored Mediator’s Proposal in Commercial Cases
Episode 3: Beyond Just the Dispute at Hand - Using Transformative Mediation Techniques to Better Understand and Resolve Conflict
Episode 4: Mediation in Ohio Appellate Courts: Keeping It Civil, Making It Successful
Episode 5: Attorney Advocacy in Mediation
Episode 6: The Role of U.S. Courts in International Commercial Arbitration
Episode 7: Strategies for Addressing the Impact of Implicit Bias at the Interpersonal and Institutional Level
Episode 8: Mediation with Public Officials: What Public Officials Can Tell Mediators, and Tips for Public Officials
Episode 9: The New Singapore Convention on Mediation – What Does it Mean for Mediation in the U.S.?
Episode 10: Why Caucus? Capitalizing on Its Strengths, Minimizing Its Drawbacks
Episode 11: Want Fewer Permanent Custody Trials? Child Protection Mediation for Family Engagement and Case Resolution
Episode 12: How To’s of Decision Tree Analysis for Lawyers, Mediators, and Their Clients
Episode 13: Eldercaring Coordination
Episode 14: Combating Elder Maltreatment
Episode 15: Overcoming Impasse by Effectively Using the Mediator’s Proposal and Bracketing
Episode 16: The Future of Ohio’s Dispute Resolution Landscape: Advancing Chief Justice Moyer’s Legacy
Episode 17: Neutral Evaluation Nuts and Bolts: Where the Process Fits in Family Court Dispute Resolution
Episode 18: Dispute Resolution for Workplace Conflict: When We Can’t All Just Get Along