Guide Helps Clerks Navigate Probate Matters

The desktop guide allows clerks and staff to quickly find answers for a wide range of probate questions.

The desktop guide allows clerks and staff to quickly find answers for a wide range of probate questions.
The Supreme Court of Ohio has published a resource to assist new and seasoned clerks with the work of probate courts.
The Supreme Court’s Probate Court Desktop Guide encompasses the wide range of questions clerks may have when handling their daily duties.
The guide includes detailed, concise instructions that can be used to train new staff. Managing the court docket, issuing marriage licenses, and certifying records are among the topics covered by the comprehensive tool. It also offers a guide to court costs – with specific Ohio Revised Code references – and direct links to standard probate forms.
The desktop guide is a companion to the probate bench cards used by judicial officers that contain thorough descriptions of probate laws and legal references.
The Court’s Judicial College will host a webinar about the desktop guide on April 1 at 11 a.m. Those who want to attend can register through the Judicial College’s calendar.
Anyone with questions about the guide can email the Case Management Section.