Court News Ohio
Court News Ohio
Court News Ohio

Court Accepting Public Comment on Sentencing Data Platform

Image of a laptop computer sitting on a table. The laptop screen shows the landing page of the Ohio Sentencing Data Platform

The Supreme Court is asking for feedback from trial courts and the public about the development of the OSDP.

Image of a laptop computer sitting on a table. The laptop screen shows the landing page of the Ohio Sentencing Data Platform

The Supreme Court is asking for feedback from trial courts and the public about the development of the OSDP.

The Supreme Court of Ohio will accept public comment until June 28 on proposed amendments to the Rules of Superintendence for the Courts of Ohio regarding the development of the Ohio Sentencing Data Platform (OSDP).

The recommended changes designate the Ohio Criminal Sentencing Commission as the organization to establish and maintain the OSDP. The purpose of the database is to provide common pleas judges with standardized forms for sentencing and reporting information about sentences for offenses. The OSDP also will allow judges to see aggregate data across the state about sentencing. The Ohio Revised Code that covers sentencing has grown to over 3,000 words in the last 25 years. That subject has expanded from 16 to 39 sections, including 46 subsections. Sentencing is complex, and data analytics can be a useful tool to assist with it.

Sup.R. 38.01 addresses the formation of the platform and how OSDP pilot courts implement the Uniform Sentencing Entry and Method of Conviction forms. The forms supply judges with accurate, timely, and comprehensive templates containing the most clear and concise minimum language required to impose a lawful sentence.

Sup.R. 44 permits the Criminal Sentencing Commission, with the Supreme Court’s approval, to make documents and data available via a public portal. If information is not available via the public portal, it can be accessed through the common pleas court or the clerk of court who filed the entry.

Currently, 19 counties are piloting the platform with 23 others in the process of implementing it.

Public comments should be submitted in writing or via email by June 28 to:

Sara Andrews
Executive Director
Ohio Criminal Sentencing Commission
Supreme Court of Ohio
65 S. Front St., Fifth Floor
Columbus, OH 43215-3431

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