Justice Deters Joins Supreme Court

Justice Joseph T. Deters, the 163rd justice of the Supreme Court.

Justice Joseph T. Deters, the 163rd justice of the Supreme Court.
Justice Joseph T. Deters has spent much of his professional career handling high-profile cases in one of the state’s biggest counties. Now, he will hear cases that have significant and lasting impact from the bench of the Supreme Court of Ohio.
The former Hamilton County prosecutor was sworn in as the 163rd justice of the Supreme Court over the weekend by Chief Justice Sharon L. Kennedy.
During his time as prosecutor, Justice Deters established the first drug court in Ohio in partnership with Hamilton County Common Pleas Court. The Hamilton County Drug Treatment and Recovery Court handles more cases than any other specialized docket in the state, providing treatment and support for offenders while also holding them accountable.
“I was always looking for programs to save the savable in our society and ways to get those people out of the cycle of prison,” Justice Deters said.
During his 40 years in public service, he worked to ensure access to justice for both victims and defendants. Justice Deters established the county’s first victim/witness advocate program and helped develop several diversion programs for first time non-violent offenders.
The Supreme Court’s newest justice has served as Ohio Treasurer, Hamilton County Clerk of Courts, Hamilton County Prosecuting Attorney, and an assistant prosecutor.
“I think I will bring a unique insight to the Court based on my background,” said Justice Deters.
As the justice joins the state’s court of last resort, he is eager to continue his constitutional duties for Ohioans. The opportunity is a new challenge that allows him to pursue the principles of public service that have guided him for decades.
“I swore to uphold the law and that's what I’m going to do here,” Justice Deters said.