Court News Ohio
Court News Ohio
Court News Ohio

Supreme Court Releases Victim Rights, Restitution Forms

New forms are available to ensure crime victims receive and understand the protections granted to them following a comprehensive statute codifying an Ohio constitutional amendment that went into effect today.

The new law known as H.B. 343, expands victim protections under the Ohio Crime Victims’ Bill of Rights, otherwise known as Marsy’s Law. The law codifies the constitutional rights of victims. Those rights range from keeping identifying information private, fair treatment throughout the criminal justice process, timely notification of case developments, and the ability to offer input about pleas and sentences at court proceedings.

The forms are designed to assist victims in electing and exercising their rights and to communicate their selections to justice partners.

The Ohio Victim Rights Request Form is for law enforcement and prosecutors to provides to victims, and performs three essential tasks. First, to inform victims of their rights – some are automatic, and some can only be exercised by request. Next, the form allows the victim to choose which rights to exercise, and to designate a representative. Finally, the form contains the victim’s contact information. This enables law enforcement, prosecutors, courts, and custodial agencies to give the victim essential information throughout the case.

The form will be completed by law enforcement during the investigation, reviewed with the prosecutor after the case begins, then filed with the court. Updates to the form can be made if the victim’s information or their rights election changes.

Crime victims are entitled to restitution from the offender. The Crime Victim Restitution Amount Summary Form provides guidance for victims seeking compensation for economic loss from the criminal or delinquent act, and how to gather information to support a request for restitution from the court. 

For questions about the Marsy’s Law Forms, please contact Anne Murray by email or call 614.387.9408.

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