Tech Grants Increase Public Access, Court Service

The Supreme Court has invested more than $40 million to modernize state court operations and provide more access to the public since the Tech Grant program began in 2015.

The Supreme Court has invested more than $40 million to modernize state court operations and provide more access to the public since the Tech Grant program began in 2015.
Court administrator Wendy Roush knew the Muskingum County Domestic Relations Court needed a major upgrade to be more efficient and to make filing with the court easier. A grant from the Supreme Court of Ohio is saving the county time and money.
“This is the first time we’ve been able to scan our documents and put them online,” said Roush, the court’s administrator for the last 20 years. “People no longer have to make a special trip to the court or put in a request for us to scan a paper file.”
The domestic relations court’s case management system was one of 48 court projects funded last year through the Technology Grant program. More than $3 million was invested by the Supreme Court in 2022 to modernize court operations and make court services more accessible to the public. Local courts have received more than $40 million since the program began in 2015.
The $150,000 grant to Muskingum County has improved workflow and enabled greater access to the court by the public.
“The new process to manage cases has fewer steps for our staff and it has reduced a ton of calls from people and county agencies because they can just look up the case information whenever they need it,” said Roush.
The court continues to incorporate new features including electronic filing with the clerk’s office and a notetaking option for judges to consolidates their case work.
Courts in Ohio can apply for this year’s grant funding beginning Monday, Feb. 6, 2023 through Friday, March 10, 2023 for courts looking to upgrade or buy new systems, hardware, or equipment. Grants will be awarded in May and can be applied to:
- Electronic court filing (e-filing) implementation.
- New or major upgrades to case management systems.
- New systems, applications, or equipment other than case management systems.
- Other types of new hardware, software, or equipment.
- New technology to reduce failure to appear rates, like text messaging systems.
- Courtroom or building security equipment.
More information is available on the Supreme Court’s grants section webpage. Funding is available to any appeals, common pleas, municipal, or county court for projects that remove barriers to the efficient and effective administration of justice.