10th Annual Veterans Summit Connects Resources and Support

Chief Justice Sharon L. Kennedy welcomes participants to the 10th annual Lean Forward Veterans Summit.

Chief Justice Sharon L. Kennedy welcomes participants to the 10th annual Lean Forward Veterans Summit.
Sharing resources and programs to support Ohio’s veterans was the common goal at the 10th Annual Lean Forward Veterans Summit. This year’s theme, “Special Populations,” focused on the many resources to help aging veterans and military families.
Supreme Court of Ohio Chief Justice Sharon L. Kennedy welcomed presenters and those that have served, working in collaboration to better connect our veterans. Participants included treatment courts and law enforcement, mental and physical health providers, and county veterans services.
“This year, we bring together a host of professionals to discuss topics veterans frequently experience, such as neurological issues including traumatic brain injury and post-traumatic stress disorder, accessibility hardships due to physical disabilities, and homelessness,” Chief Justice Kennedy said.
The summit also recognized Purple Star Schools, an initiative started in Ohio to support students and families connected to the nation’s military. It has become the country’s “purple standard” for pre- K and K-12 military efforts and supports, with the original Ohio program now in 45 states.
“The Buckeye State just doesn’t lead the sacred, shared work of directly assisting 35,000 Ohio military kids from Lake Erie to the Ohio River,” said Chief Justice Kennedy. “It has pioneered the mission on behalf of a grateful nation.”
Veterans can find legal support and services through Ohio Legal Help.